Yuji Naka, a renowned programmer, designer and producer also known as YU2, one of the creators of the original Sonic the Hedgehog series, was last named balan wonderworld as the director.
Balan Wonderworld was a big disappointment, very unsuccessful. Yuki Naja then said of him that he “didn’t want to talk about it; He announced his departure from Square Enix for reasons. “Although I can’t talk at the moment, I hope I can say something about it when the time comes,” Naja said, adding that her future is uncertain at the moment and that she is also considering retiring because she is 55.
It’s been about a year since all this, and Yuji Naka finally spoke. What a talk.
“I don’t think Square Enix cares about games or fans at all,” naka said, pointing out that the reason he was fired as director of the Balan Wonderworld project was because Square Enix wanted to release it as soon as possible, even though the game was full of mistakes, and Naka opposed it.
He’s already suing Square Enix over this.
“I apologize to everyone who bought Balan Wonderworld, which is not yet complete. When making a game, it is natural to make constant corrections to do a good job. Even if you can’t do that, at least you can argue, but we couldn’t do that. Because I don’t think Square Enix cares about games or anything.”
Naka informed her lawyer of her request to speak with the studio to have a say in the production of the play and to comment on the production process, but Square Enix refused. That’s why Naka took it to court. “I’m really sorry that this is the game I’ve been working on all along. Square Eni and Arzest are not companies that take into account games or players” reproach once again.
After all, it’s a fiasco, and there’s Yuji Naka, who’s going to be called the director of that play. I think he’s right in his case, but the best thing he can do at this point is to drop his decision to quit and come up with a good game again.