Yuki Naja, one of the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog, has announced that she is leaving Square Enix for reasons she does not want to talk about. Naja originally left in April, but has now shared the news on Twitter, asking for more people to be aware.
“Even though I can’t talk at the moment, I hope I can say something about it when the time comes,” naja said, adding that her future is uncertain at the moment, and that she is also considering retiring because she is 55.
Yuki Naja, the creator of the 1991 prototype that later became Sonic the Hedgehog, worked at Sega for many years and worked on numerous titles including Phantasy Star, Puyo Pop Fever and Sonic. He left the company in 2006 to start his own studio when he was the last remaining member of Sonic’s creative team, Sega.
In 2018, Yuki Naja joined Square Enix and directed Balan Wonderworld. Developed with high hopes, this 3D platformer has received a lot of negative reviews, and now the positive review rate on Steam ranges from 65% to 70%.