If we look at the action diagram of the game, we can really mention that it is a heavy system. As you first enter, we face a small enemy encounter in the game. You can feel that the sword is heavy in the esna that you fed your hair and has a heavy blow to the enemy. In terms of the feeling of hunger, we have enough experience in the construction of our character and how much we develop the items in our top, we are going to be very strong, and as in classic other mobile games, it is important to improve our character in the best way. In the same way, the character level is very important to the hardwares, swords, armors that character is birds. With such details, you can quickly eliminate the enemies and let you fall back to you.

After you killed the first enemy, you are facing a button that you can lubricate, and you can of course spoil your enemies. In this way, you can get more resources to your inventory and pull the swords on your enemies, armors yourself. We can not only eliminate enemies in the game but also highlight the elements you can interact with the environment here. For example, the vases or other elements that are left on the right can be shred together with your bristle and that is the areas we can interact with the environment in the game. So I’m really a nice experience for mobile gaming. I really like the Middle Age contact and sword and shield systems if I would like to talk to their own step especially in such games. I came with this liking before I log into the game and now I faced with a satisfying experience.

There are parts that you can interact with the environment

If we return to your location, we can open our own way by eliminating these vases in the environment, which brings together a structure that we can be boiled with environmental elements that increase the interaction in the game. So it is worth mentioning that such a system is. Let’s say that there are traps on the right when you explore and run the dungeons in the game, as well as mentioning the environment again. It is important to not be caught in these traps and to press the right keys at the right time. With these details, it’s completely your business to overcome these challenges. Among salts, we can say that the fed balls from the right to left are pointed metals and much more. The places and systems of these traps vary from pitch to pitch and region. When your life is reduced and caught in traps, you can drink the pot and refresh your health bar.

There are a variety of enemy types in the game. You can face different enemies from scaffolding army to elf. Some of these enemies are able to perform attacks with remote and range systems while others make difficulty with nearby fighting. Escape from the mind is of course what you can do. In addition to this, it is necessary to highlight that the interval scenes and storytelling are also. But during the time I played, of course I left the story part quite in the background, and I tried to see how the play dynamics are. Already there is no claim on the story of the game. During this time, we can say that the sword is quite a tok feeling, if we compare the action and read. You can also feel that voice when you hit enemies with the Sword, but you can experience it directly when you stretch your bow and shoot your reading. So in the game you need to mention that there is a rather beautiful stroke feeling.

A mobile version that is loyal to the PC version

With the mobile version that is loyal to the PC version, we control our character and are able to improve ourselves in the best way. Your main goal is to leave the right release from the dungeons and clean each dungeon from enemies. On the basis of the game, this is a kind of detail and you can constantly see yourself in the dungeons. We can feel the dark and muscular air in the construction that you are located in more indoor and dark atmospheres, we can tell us that the atmosphere and environment are transferred to interestingly. On the other hand, there is not only a structure that you can afford to the enemies, but we can also transfer Pvp and Pve systems that are presented to us.

With a fantastic Middle Age role-making experience, we are able to transfer not only from the dungeons but also with different game modes, we can transfer the game becomes enjoyable. For example, with the Battle Royale mode included in the game, we are able to say that the area is gradually closed, and the last survivor is earned here. With such details, the foundation of the dungeon is truly more fun with different types and game modes. Apart from this, you can encounter other players while you escape from the dungeon, and you are trying to get out of the dungeon with the ganimets you get. This goes back to us as a other fun mode.

Again on the other hand, the game can develop our own character in the best way because it offers a wide range of role-making experience to us, we can transfer the development system to the forefront here, and also say that the traders we can trade are here. So it’s also worth transferring that we can get iksirs, armors, swords and much more, and that’s a trading system that we can spend money we collect from pitches.
Zindan escape theme combines with Battle Royale experience

I want to transfer the experiences I’ve acquired while playing Battle Royale mode of the game. First of all, we are in a dungeon and we are able to see the area continuously. The area here is transferred as “black veba” and we continue our adventure of escape from the dungeon while slowing down. With players, you can also find the right left cases in the mode where you can come against other artificial intelligence, opening them can get more powerful armors, weapons and much more, and in mode, of course, you can come to more powerful positions. In addition to this, you need to use your shield with the right moves as well as other players, and you need to defend against attacks. When you press the right keys at the right time, of course, you can perform fast attacks and talk about it as a heavy action system here. So this feeling of toughness is really among the elements that go to my love, and you can feel deeply when you follow the feeling of stroke to enemies and other players successfully.

Players in the mind remain in the case of access to escape stones from the point of the dungeon without closing the space and you can escape from here after interacting with the stones. Of course you need to eliminate other players before that and bring yourself to stronger position. You can drink or wrap the bandage if your life is decreased during the battle again. You can also get various retrofits and come to other players. I can generally really transfer I have a nice experience and faced with a fun system.

In general, if I’m going to recover mobile version has brought a very loyal structure to the PC version. In addition, it was a feeling of toughness in the action and the advanced system is among the basic elements that connect players to the game. If you like this type of themes if you are already making reflecting the Middle Age contact directly to us, you can pull it into there and connect to the game. In addition to this, we can take steps towards different pitches, with remarkable game modes, the blend of this system is among the features that go to love. Because if there was only a situation to come to the dungeons, it would constantly say the same things, and of course it could be bored after one place. However, the escape theme from the dungeon is among the details that attract my attention to blending together with different game modes. So I recommend you try the mobile version of the game and surely take a peek.



Jozef Novák
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Associate Editor

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