Focus Entertainment, known as Focus Home Interactive and more known as A Plague Tale and Evil West, folded a new Ceo. In this direction, the general manager of the former Bethesda Sean Brennan moved to the French company as CEO.
Focus Entertainment continues to increase the value of the
<br=" Focus Entertainment, A Plague Tale: With games such as Requiem and Evil West, recently increased its value in the last few years. The team offered Nvidia to players that will bring voice again during the CES event. The Atomic Heart, which provides in this context, seems to be the trend of this year if they offer their vadettics to us. Focus Entertainment’s game list seems to be a result of its ambitious goals while continuing to expand.
Sean Brennan, a CEO in the direction of ambitious targets, will replace the Christophe Nobileau in the next process. In addition to this assignment, a number of changes occur in the company’s board. In this context, the President of Fabrice Larue was introduced to the Vice President of Frank Sagnier.