As we have made news for many times now a new RTX remix mode appeared. Jacob Freeman, located in the NVIDIA team, develops a new mode for two different games: XIII and Hitman 2: this mode will apply for Silent Assassin games improves the systems of the game and raises their lighting. You can find the new RTX Remix modes on the road
<br/div You can easily see some problems if you look at these images. For example, you can directly observe the agent 47 has a big lighting problem on the head. But these problems are due to the early development phase of the mode. So we do not expect such problems in the final version.
If we look at screenshots more detailed, we can transfer 3D models remain the same and the textures are not handed at the moment. On the other hand, there is no connection to any discount of this mode, and we don’t even know if it will benefit from advanced tools in the progressing process.
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